Saturday, December 13, 2014

Introducing Quick Hits

“You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.” -Saul Bellow

Sometime inspiration hits during the strangest of times. I was struggling to sleep last night and as I mulled around the Internet I read an article about how sometimes the best blog posts are ones that take the least time to write. After a decent bit of rest, I woke up and thought, why not make a new post series based around that idea. So an idea was born: Quick Hits.

The concept is simple: I write a blog post in 10 minutes and give myself 5 minutes to edit (so it isn't total crap) and we'll go from there. For the start, as I develop a readership, I'm planning on picking a topic that interest me. As I go on though, I want to start taking ideas that you, the reader, choose. It can come from a Tweet on my Twitter account (@eenatureguy) or from a comment on a blog. If this is able to take off, I might make a strawpoll on the side of the blog and make this a routine occurrence. Whatever happens, I'm really excited to challenge myself and I have a feeling that this could be the start of a really fun way to blog. So give me ideas of what to write about, you guys are the ones in the driver seat for this one!

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